Blog posts tagged with 'chakras'

Pet Chakras

By Dr Pamela Fisher, DVM

You make have heard of chakras, and the importance of keeping them flowing and balanced.   But, it is just important to keep your pets' chakras balanced as well!  They have the same seven main chakras as we do, and the more balanced they are, the more relaxed and healthy your pet will feel.

The main seven chakras govern the bodies’ processes and energy levels around us.  The bottom three in the lower part of the body are associated with survival needs, and the upper four are correlated with mental processes and higher-level emotions.



Root (Red) – If this chakra is balance, your pet will feel confident, grounded and safe.   If it is unbalanced, your pet may act more nervous or fearful.

Sacral (Orange)-  This chakra is associated with emotions and feelings.  If this is unbalanced, your pet will tend to act more stiff and lack loving emotions that we expect from our pets.  However, if this chakra is overactive, it may lead to an overemotional pet that could suffer from separation anxiety issues.

Solar Plexus  (Yellow)-  When the solar plexus is in balanced, your pet will feel confident and in control of their actions.  If it is unbalanced, pets tend to act more skiddish.

Heart (Green)-  We all know that the heart is associated with love.  Your pet will act loving and friendly if this chakra is balanced, and more distant if the heart is less active.

Throat (Blue) – The throat chakra helps your pet express themselves and their emotions clearly. This is also an important immune center.  An overactive throat chakra could lead to excessive barking.

Third Eye (Indigo)-  This chakra allows pets to interact and live easily with other dogs and people.  If it is underactive, they may rely on their owner too much, and possibly become confused. 

Crown (Violet or White)-  The crown is associated with higher level thinking.  If it is balanced, your pet will feel comfortable with their place in the world and at peace.

Now that you are aware of each chakra, it is easy to see how important it is that each and every one is balanced so that your pet feels their best.  Some options to help balance your pet are CranioSacral therapy, massage, energy healing, color therapy, or simply meditating with your pet.

Calm My Pet Pendant is made specifically for helping with balancing of pets’ chakras.  Each is unique with gemstones and a ceramic bead for EMF protection and grounding.  Calm My Pet Unscented Essences also contain energy healing and color therapy to help keep your pets in balance.

You can purchase them through our website here: or go to the “Stores” tab to see if it is carried in your area.